Wednesday 28 May 2014

This Man Is The World’s Poorest President, But The Reason Why He’s Poor Will Surprise You.

This Man Is The World’s Poorest President, But The Reason Why He’s Poor Will Surprise You.

You might not believe it, but Jose Mujica, president of Uruguay since 2010, is known to be the world’s poorest president.
Jose donates more then of 90% of his $12,000 per month salary to benefit the poor and to help small entrepreneurs.  If we need more of anything in this world, it would be more people like this!

This man doesn’t put value on his appearance or clothes.  He is criticized for his posture and clothes, but Jose puts more value on other things in life instead.
World's-Poorest-President-2 Before his presidency, he was a guerilla fighter for Tupamaros, which acted like “Robin hood.”  They literally robbed evil banks, gun clubs, and other businesses to give to the poor. He truly believed that his value was not in gaining more money, it was in the wellbeing of his country and people.  He was imprisoned 2 times for a total of 14 years and shot 6 times after an escape attempt, But he still continues to fight for the people even in his high office now as president of Uruguay. 
Mujica could live in this beautiful Presidential house, but has chosen a more humble place to live.  He is a honest example of a president that gives up his own comfort for the wellbeing of others.
…And this is where he lives, on a farm with his wife and dog.  He is also working to change the fancy presidential house into a museum that pays honor to past presidents.  There’s no reason for money, fame, and a nice place to sleep when you can be humble and live on a farm.  This president lives the life!
His part time farming job, keeps him aware of the struggles and life that most other people of his country go though.  He also grows and then sells flowers from his farm.  You can see him frequently driving his old 1987 Volkswagon Beetle.  He doesn’t need a fancy Bentley, because he doesn’t care about having a extravagant appearance.  His people are what matters and what matters are his people.
Jose’s protection consists of two guards and his 3 legged dog named Manuela.
Even though he is known as the poorest president, he strongly disagrees. He says, “I’m not the poorest president. The poorest is the one who needs a lot to live… My lifestyle is a consequence of my wounds. I’m the son of my history. There have been years when I would have been happy just to have a mattress.”  
This president’s example is a testament to how we should live our lives.  We don’t need more things to be happy.  In fact, some of the most wealthy people in the world, have their wealth stored in the currency of unselfishness, kindness, and true love.  Maybe its time for a change?
The world needs more people like this.  Don’t you agree?

Friday 23 May 2014

Train Your Mind to Remember God

Train Your Mind to Remember God

“My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20 NLT)
The Bible tells us to “pray all the time” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 MSG).
How is it possible to do this? One way is to use “breath prayers” throughout the day, as many Christians have done for centuries. You choose a brief sentence or a simple phrase that can be repeated to Jesus in one breath: “You are with me.” “I receive your grace.” “I’m depending on you.” “I want to know you.” “I belong to you.” “Help me trust you.” You can also use a short phrase of Scripture: “For me to live is Christ.” “You will never leave me.” “You are my God.”
Pray it as often as possible so it is rooted deep in your heart. Just be sure that your motive is to honor God, not control him.
Practicing the presence of God is a skill, a habit you can develop. Just as musicians practice scales every day in order to play beautiful music with ease, you must force yourself to think about God at different times in your day. You must train your mind to remember God.
At first you will need to create reminders to regularly bring your thoughts back to the awareness that God is with you in that moment. Begin by placing visual reminders around you. You might post little notes that say, “God is with me and for me right now!”
If you are seeking an experience of his presence through all of this, you’ve missed the point. We don’t praise God to feel good, but to do good. Your goal is not a feeling, but a continual awareness of the reality that God is always present. That is the lifestyle of worship.
Talk About It -
  • Try using breath prayers to worship God throughout today. Do you notice a difference in your attitude and your interactions with other people?
  • What visual reminders will best help you be aware of God’s presence?
  • Talk about the way you learned to play an instrument or a sport. Are you applying the same disciplines and energy into developing a lifestyle of worship?

Thursday 22 May 2014

Breaking the Complacency Habit: 10 Ways to Grow Spiritually

How do you plan to grow, spiritually, in the next 12 months?
I had to start asking myself that every January to ensure that I didn't end the year in the same place spiritually as I was when the year started. Year by year, we might not notice a lack of spiritual growth in our lives. But you'd be surprised how quickly ten years can pass without having memorized one more verse of scripture, without confronting a habitual sin in your life, without having shared the gospel with an unbeliever, without having experienced a point in your walk with God that lit a fire under you and caused you to live differently.
I guess what I'm saying is that spiritual complacency isn't ever an intention, but too often it can creep into our lives unnoticed -- a tragic consequence of failing to be intentional in our spiritual growth.
Instead of making "new year's resolutions" each year, I sit down with God and set some spiritual goals for the next year to ensure that during the time I am aging another year, physically,  I will also be aging another year, spiritually. I want to make sure, also, that there is fruit developing from my life instead of being a sponge that continues to soak it all in, but gives little out.
Here are some examples of spiritual goals that I've set through the years, many of which repeatedly stay on my list from year to year. Try a couple of these, and maybe even come up with some of your own, so that you are one year closer to Christ -- and more effective for His kingdom -- by the time next January rolls around:
1. Read through the Bible in a year. There are several good resources available to help you do this. If you've already done it, do it again, but in a different translation. (Even better, team up with a friend to do this with you and hold each other accountable).
2.  Choose a book of the Bible to study. The next step after simply reading the Bible is to study it, go beneath the surface, uncover the truths, principles and insights in Scripture. You may want to study one book of the Bible each quarter...or one for the entire year. Try picking up the New Inductive Study Bible which actually teaches you how to study the Bible on your own. Make sure you regularly share with others what you are learning.
3. Study a topic that will help you grow. Ask yourself where you want to be in your relationship  with the Lord by the end of the year and then set tangible goals for getting there. For instance, if you want to know Him better, consider a study of His names in the Old Testament and Jesus' "I am" statements in the New Testament. If you need to slow down and learn to listen for His voice, study all the Word says about "rest" or "hearing" or  His "voice." If there are character traits you know you need to work on, consider an in-depth study of some or all of the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
4. Participate in a weekly small group Bible study or lead one among your friends, neighbors, or co-workers. We can grow at a faster rate in community because we are able to share our experiences with one another and hold each other accountable.
5. Read three books to deepen your devotional life. Set a goal to read a book every month, every three months, or whatever is realistic for you. Also consider reading books that will challenge and convict you...that's where the growth comes.
6. Start a weekly prayer group with others who share similar concerns on your heart.  (For example, praying with other moms for your children, praying with other wives for unsaved spouses, praying during your lunch hour with co-workers, or  praying with friends or church members for a specific burden God has placed on your heart.)

7. Start a journal to record your growth.  Start journaling your thoughts as you read the Word. How did a certain passage compel you to pray? What changes are you asking God to make in your life? What discoveries have you made about His character or His Word? Date each page. By the end of the year, you'll have a record of where God took you and what He has shown you through the past 12 months.
8. Record your blessings and answered prayers. Keep a "blessing book" in which you record every blessing that comes your way throughout the year, adding a prayer of thanks or praise. In addition, write out your prayer requests and record the answers as they come. By writing out these types of things, you will not only be more keenly aware of how God is working in and around your life, but you will be able to see your progress in becoming one who does "everything without complaining or arguing" (Philippians 2:14) and a person who gives thanks "in all circumstances" (First Thessalonians 5:18).
9. Disciple a young believer. We learn the most when we teach it to others. And seeing them grasp truth for the first time gives it a fresh impact on our lives as well. Pick up the One-to-One Discipleship manual from Multiplication Ministries and take a young believer through the adventure of living the Christ-directed life.
10. Pick a 'theme verse' for the year. Say it aloud every day. I guarantee if you do this, by the end of the year -- and probably a lot sooner -- you will have memorized that verse. And that's one more verse in the Word of God that you will have memorized during your lifetime. Choose from Psalm 90:12, Psalm 119:32, Psalm 119:133, Galatians 5:16, Philippians 1:27, Philippians 4:6-7, or find one of your own.

Spiritual Growth: Growing in Your Relationship with Jesus

Spiritual Growth: Growing in Your Relationship with Jesus

With the Holy Spirit directing your life, you will experience a deeper relationship with God and you will grow in your ability to trust Him.
What does it mean to grow in your relationship with Jesus?
Growing in your relationship with Jesus means to know Him better, to love and obey Him more. “And this is the way to have eternal life-to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth” (John 17:3).
“Jesus replied: ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.’” (Matthew 22:37-38)
Your growing love for God will lead you to obey His commandments.
[Jesus speaking] “Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them, and I will love them. And I will reveal myself to each one of them.” (John 14:21)
Just as it’s natural for a child to grow in a loving relationship with a parent, it is also natural for you to grow in your love relationship with God.

Questions about faith? Bring your doubts
Why would I need faith?: Find some answers
How can you grow in your relationship with Jesus?
Communication is vital to any relationship. Four aspects of communication will help you develop your relationship with Jesus.
i) God communicates with us through the Bible, revealing His character and His will.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
ii) We communicate with God through prayer, sharing our thoughts, our needs and our desire to do his will.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
“And we can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will. And if we know he is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for.” (1 John 5:14-15)
These verses tell us we can pray about everything. When we pray according to God’s will, he hears us and answers us. Thanking God is also part of praying.
“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
“And you will always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20)
iii) We communicate with Christians through fellowship, encouraging and building up one another.
“Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
It is important to spend time with other Christians to encourage each other to love and do good. The Greek word for fellowship, koinonia, means “sharing in common.” We need to share our Christian experience with others who love God, and likewise allow them to share with us. God appoints the church as a place for us to meet other Christians and learn about God. Bible studies and other meetings are also helpful.
iv) We communicate with others who don’t know God personally by sharing about our relationship with Jesus.
“There is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven for people to call on to save them.” (Acts 4:12)
Suggestions for Further Growth
Set aside a time and place for daily personal Bible study and prayer. A good book to begin with is the New Testament Book of John (included in the next section). As you read, underline verses you find particularly meaningful. Pray and ask God to show you who He is and how you can respond to Him.
Study other passages, such as the ones in this lesson. Also read Psalms 1, 34, 103 and 145; Matthew 7:7-11; Luke 9:23-26; John 15:1-7; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; and Colossians 1:9-12.
This is the beginning of your Christian life and there is much more to discover than what’s covered in these four lessons. Take the initiative today to find a church in your neighbourhood, and make plans to attend regularly. For additional Christian materials, check out your local Christian bookstore (try looking under “books” in the Yellow Pages). Or call New life Resources at 1-800-667-0558.
As you rely on the Holy Spirit for power, read the Bible, pray, spend time with other believers and tell people about Jesus, God will produce His character in you and you will mature spiritually.
Keys to spiritual growth:

Five Principles of Growth

Five Principles of Growth

By Reap Spirit And Life 
You made the most important decision of your life when you chose to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. At that moment you were born into God's family, and you received everything you need to live the abundant Christian life.
But that does not mean you are as spiritually mature as someone who has walked with Christ for many years. The Christian life is a process that begins with an act of faith and is lived by faith.
What do you suppose would happen to a child who doesn't grow properly in his physical body? In his emotional life? In his spiritual maturity? Just as physical life requires air, food, rest, and exercise, so does spiritual life require certain things for growth and development.
This lesson deals with five principles of Christian growth. The first two, We Must Study God's Word, and We Must Pray, help us deepen our relationship with God. This could be called our vertical relationship. Through the Bible, God communicates to us; through prayer, we communicate with Him.

The next two principles, We Must Fellowship with other Christians, and We must Witness for Christ, help us reach out to others. This could be called our horizontal relationship. In fellowship, we communicate wth other Christians about our Savior and the bond He gives us with one another. In witnessing, we communicate with non-Christians. We tell them about Jesus, what He has done for us, and what He desires to do for them.
Principle Five, We Must Obey God, is the core of growth. As we obey Him, we experience increasing joy, peace, and fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ and fellow believers. We also become increasingly more mature in our Christian walk.
If you follow these principles, you can be sure that you will grow toward maturity in Christ.

Principle One - We Must Study God's Word

Read James 1:18-27
You would not think of going without physical food for a week or even a day, would you? It is necessary for physical life. Without food, we become weakened and eventually may become ill. Lack of spiritual food produces the same results in our spiritual lives.
  1. What is the food of the young Christian? (I Peter2:2)

    In what ways have you made it a consistent spiritual diet?

    Read Psalm 119. Write down several ways God's Word can help you in your daily life.

    Psalm 119. Write down several ways God's Word can help you in your daily life."

  2. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone." How did He say we should live and be nourished? (Matthew 4:4) Have you applied this to your life? Describe how it nourishes your spiritual life.

  3. List the two characteristics of the workman God approves, according to II Timothy 2:15. What steps have you taken to make these characteristics true in your life?

  4. What did Jesus say about those who read and believe God's Word? (John 8:31-32) What does this mean to your way of life?

  5. When does the man who is spiritually mature meditate on the Word of God? (Psalm 1:2-3) How can you do this in our hectic, pull-apart world?

  6. In what specific ways do you expect God's Word to affect you?

Principle Two - We Must Pray

Read Matthew 26:31-75
Have you ever considered that you have immediate access to the most powerful Person in the universe? Whatever you need, whatever the time, you can call upon Him. His calendar is cleared to be with you. His schedule is open for your appointment; His full attention is devoted to you.
Prayer is the inspiring experience of conversing with, and praising God as our loving, heavenly Father. Few experiences can equal prayer in empowering us and lifting us above our problems. But prayer is not just an "escape hatch" for us to get out of trouble, please ourselves, or gain our selfish ends. Rather, it is inviting Him to talk to us as we talk to Him. There is more to prayer, but this is basic to true prayer. Study the above passage and answer the following questions:
  1. What was Jesus command in Matthew 26:41 and why did He command it?

  2. Why did Peter fail to resist temptation?

  3. What is the most serious result of Peter's prayerlessness? Think about your own life. What has been the result of prayerlessness in your life?

  4. How did Christ experience inner power to face the severest test of His life?

  5. How often are we to pray? (I Thessalonians 5:17)
Prayer without ceasing involves conversing with our heavenly Father in a simple and free way throughout the day. Our prayer life should be such that we come to know the Lord Jesus in an intimate, personal way. Our prayer life becomes effective as our relationship with Christ becomes more intimate.
"I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." (John 14:13-14)
List ways you can increase the amount of time you spend in prayer.

Principle Three - We Must Fellowship with Other Christians

Read I Corinthains12:12-27
Fellowship is spending time and doing things with others who love Christ. Several logs burn brightly together, but the fire goes out if one is placed alone on the cold hearth. In the same way, Christians need to work together or the fire of enthusiasm will go out. Fellowship is vital for Christian growth. That is why active participation in church is so important.
  1. As God's children, what should we not neglect? (Hebrews 10:23-25 )

  2. According to the above verses, what should we do for one another? In what ways have you done them recently, and for who?

  3. The new believers in Acts 2:42 continued steadfastly in what four things? Why is each one so vital to spiritual growth?

  4. In what ways do you profit from Christian fellowship? Be specific.

  5. Answer the following questions below:
Why is it important that a Christian be part of a small group with other Christians sharing the Word of God?

Why is is necessary to work out conflicts with members of your Christian circle? What can happen if you don't?

What steps can you take to resolve conflict with others? (I Peter 3:8-11)

Principle Four - We Must Witness for Christ

Read Acts 26:12-29
A witness is a person who tells what he has seen and heard. He shares his own personal experience. Anyone who has a vital personal relationship with Christ can be a witness for Him. Witnessing is the overflow of the Christian life. A vital Christian life is contagious. As our lives are filled with the presence of the Lord Jesus, we cannot help but share Him with those with whom we come into contact.
  1. In Romans 1:14-16, Paul tells us his own attitude about sharing the Gospel with others. Using his three "I am's" as the keys to the passage, describe his attitude in your own words.

  2. Compare your own attitude concerning witnessing, with Paul's. (Colossians 1:28)

  3. What did Peter tell us in I Peter 3:15 that we should always be ready to do? Where and when can you do this?

  4. What was Jesus' promise in Acts 1:8. How is this promise shown in your life today?

  5. Name at least three people to whom you are impressed to witness to in the power of Christ. Prayerfully ask God to show you ways to share your faith in Christ with each one.
It is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian to reach his world with the message of Christ.

Principle Five - We Must Obey God

Read Romans 6:14-23
The key to rapid growth in the Christian life is obedience to the will of God. Knowing the principles of growth is of no value unless we actually apply them to our lives. To be disobedient to the one who loves us and who alone knows what is really best for us would be sheer folly. Remember, He is even more desirous than you are that you have an abundant life.
  1. What did Christ teach concerning the possibility of serving more than one master? (Matthew 6:24 )

  2. How much should you love the Lord? (Matthew 22:37 )

  3. How can you prove you love Him? (John 14:21 ) How have you done this today? This week?

  4. What will be the result of keeping Christ's commandments? (John 15:10-11)

  5. Where do we get the power to obey God? (Philippians 2:13) What happens if we try to obey God's commands in our own efforts?

  6. In light of Luke 6:46-49, why do you think obedience to Christ is imperative for your life?

Life Application

List the five key principles of Christian growth, a key verse relating to each one, why it is essential to spiritual maturity, and at least one way you can apply each principle to your own life.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Biography - Kenneth E. Hagin

Kenneth E. Hagin Kenneth Erwin Hagin (August 20, 1917 - September 19, 2003) was an influential American Pentecostal preacher. He is often referred to as the "father" (or "grandaddy") of the "Word of Faith" movement. Many of his followers often refer to him affectionately as "Dad Hagin" or "Brother Hagin". Hagin never received any formal theological training, however, he received an honorary doctorate from Oral Roberts University in the 1970s.


Personal life

Kenneth Hagin was born in McKinney, Texas, the son of Lillie Viola Drake Hagin and Jess Hagin. He was so small and lifeless that the doctor thought that he was stillborn. He had two children, a son named Kenneth Hagin Jr. who is presently the pastor of Rhema Bible Church and President of Kenneth Hagin Ministries, and a daughter named Patricia Harrison. She is the widow of the late Doyle "Buddy' Harrison and is the owner and publisher of Harrison House, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was married to Oretha Rooker.
On many occasions Kenneth Hagin demonstrated his ability to memorize large portions of scripture and other materials. Testimony of friends and family indicate that he possessed an amazing memory with which he could recall specific details such as the day of the week that a specific date fell on and that days weather.
Hagin died five days after lapsing into a coma due to a heart arrhythmia in September 2003.

Claimed he was healed

According to Hagin's testimony, he was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and what was believed to be an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. He also claimed that he was raised from a deathbed in 1934 by "the revelation of faith in God's Word". There is no firm evidence of the original diagnosis.
Two years later he preached his first sermon as the pastor of a small community church in Roland, Texas, 9 miles from McKinney.
His favorite scripture was Mark 11:23: "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith".

Beginning to preach

During the next 12 years he pastored five Assemblies of God churches in Texas: in the cities of Tom Bean, Farmersville (twice), Talco, Greggton, and Van.

Establishing a faith-based corporation

In 1949, he began an itinerant ministry as a Bible teacher and evangelist. Hagin was at this time also given full admission to the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) which had been established in 1951. He was also a part of the Voice of Healing Revival in the U.S. in the 40s and 50s together with Oral Roberts and T.L.Osborn. In 1963, Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Association was incorporated, and the offices of the ministry moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1966. That same year, he taught for the first time on radio — on KSKY in Dallas. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Faith Seminar of the Air. Teaching by his son, Rev. Kenneth Hagin Jr., is also heard on the program.
Since its inception in 1963, his organization grew to include numerous media outreaches and ministries. These are:
  • Faith Library Publications – with 65 million book copies in print
  • "RHEMA Praise" – a weekly television program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network
  • "Faith Seminar of the Air" – a radio program heard on many stations nationwide and on the Internet
  • "The Word of Faith" – a free monthly magazine with roughly 250,000 subscribers
  • crusades conducted throughout the nation
  • RHEMA Correspondence Bible School
  • the RHEMA Prayer and Healing Center, located on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
In 1974, Hagin founded RHEMA Bible Training Center USA, which now has training centers in fourteen countries and has 23,000 alumni. In 1979, he founded the Prayer and Healing Center there to provide a place for the sick to come to "have the opportunity to build their faith",. Its Healing School continues to be held free of charge twice daily on the RHEMA campus. There are many other outreaches and RBTC graduates throughout the world.

Controversial legacy

Hagin was considered by his followers to be a dynamic preacher, teacher, and prophet known for preaching divine healing and prosperity through searching God's word and believing God in faith for financial gifts, then claiming and receiving them by faith. His Bible teaching focused mainly on faith and the victorious life of a Christian. Hagin's critics, however, including a large number of charismatic critics, believe a number of his teachings including the born again Jesus (as contained in "The Name of Jesus," 1978 ed., pp. 29-33) and 'God has faith' to be outside the confines of Christian orthodoxy.

Plagiarism Controversy

In 1983, two students at Oral Roberts University alleged that the bulk of Hagin's theological teachings were lifted verbatim from the writings of other authors. D.R. McConnell, who wrote his Master's thesis about the Word of Faith movement alleged that Hagin had plagiarized the writings of evangelist E.W. Kenyon, teaching not only the ideas of Kenyon but also lifting text word-for-word from many of Kenyon's eighteen published works.
Dale Simmons, one of McConnell's colleagues doing research for his paper entitled "An Evaluation Of Kenneth E. Hagin's Claim To Be A Prophet", discovered what he has described as plagiarization by Hagin of an author named John A. MacMillan. In this case it is alleged that Hagin not only plagiarized word-for-word, but also the title, "The Authority of the Believer".
Upon discovering Hagin's use of MacMillan's material, Simmons contacted the publishing house that published MacMillan's original work. The president of the publishing company confronted Hagin with evidence of the plagiarism. Hagin's response was to claim that he had not plagiarized anyone but that his acknowledgment of MacMillan had been an oversight. Hagin then implicitly claimed that the plagiarism was actually proof that his teaching and MacMillan's teaching were from God. In a portion of a letter printed on page 68 of "A Different Gospel" by D.R. McConnell, Hagin argued that persons speaking on the same subject use 'virtually the same words' because 'it is the same Spirit that is leading and directing.' Simmons did not accept this argument, noting that it begged the question why Hagin felt it necessary to read any books at all if God was going to inspire him to have the same thoughts and words as another author. This information is available from Oral Roberts University in Dale H. Simmons' Master's thesis, An Evaluation of Kenneth E. Hagin's Claim To Be A Prophet. Simmons repeats these charges in his 1997 book, E.W. Kenyon: The Postbellum Pursuit of Peace, Prosperity, And Plenty. Hagin did, however, give credit to MacMillan when a new copy with a new title ("The Believer's Authority") was released in 1984.
The real question, however, is not whether Hagin plagiarized. That fact has been established in numerous places. The question is whether or not Hagin received the plagiarism from God as he alleges.
At present, Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Company, based in Washington state, argues that Hagin did not plagiarize based on the fact that his books were merely sermons that were converted into book form. This claim, however, contradicts the statements of Ruth Kenyon Houseworth, Kenyon's daughter, given to both Judith Matta and D.R. McConnell in 1982.
William DeArteaga, a defender of the Faith movement, acknowledged that Hagin was guilty of plagiarism in his 1992 book, "Quenching The Spirit" (p. 243-245 of the 1996 edition). Geir Lie, a scholar who is favorable to E.W. Kenyon went so far as to say that Hagin's plagiarism was conscious and systematic (according to DeArteaga). Derek Vreeland, another charismatic scholar, presented his findings at the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies [1]. Vreeland, too, believes Hagin unintentionally used the thoughts and ideas of Kenyon without properly attributing them to Kenyon.
Dale Simmons, who discovered Hagin's plagiarism of John A. MacMillan, concurs that Hagin plagiarized, but he theorizes that it was an instance of informal borrowing in Hagin's early preaching ministry.
The 'informal borrowing' that is common among preachers may account for some of the instances of plagiarism. Hagin lived near Dallas in his formative years, and E.W. Kenyon's works were very popular in the Dallas area at that time (the 1930s). Although this fails to explain the massive amount of plagiarism Hagin apparently committed, it is worth noting that in many instances he has cited by name sources that he used including Dr. Lillian B. Yeomans, Smith Wigglesworth, Corrie ten Boom, Ethan O. Allen, and some other (mostly Pentecostal-type) preachers. He has also favorably remarked about the ministry of Charles G. Finney.

A.W. Tozer

A.W. Tozer

AboutHistory › A.W. Tozer
A.W. TozerWhile on his way home from the Akron, Ohio tire company where he worked as a teen, young Aiden Wilson Tozer overheard a street preacher say,“If you don’t know how to be saved…just call on God.” Upon returning home, Tozer climbed into the attic and heeded the preacher’s advice.
In 1919, five years after his decision to follow Christ, and without formal theological training, Tozer accepted an offer to pastor his first church in Nutter Fort, West Virginia. This began forty-four fruitful years of ministry with The Alliance, thirty of which he served as pastor of the Southside Alliance Church in Chicago (1928 to 1959). His final years were spent pastoring the Avenue Road (Alliance) Church in Toronto, Canada.
Considered by many to be a modern-day prophet, Tozer felt that the church was on a dangerous course towards compromising with “worldly” concerns. In 1950, he was appointed editor of the Alliance Weekly magazine, now Alliance Life (alife), the official publication of The Alliance. In his first editorial, dated June 3, 1950, he wrote “It will cost something to walk slow in the parade of the ages, while excited men of time rush about confusing motion with progress. But it will pay in the long run, and the true Christian is not much interested in anything short of that.”
Prayer was of vital personal importance for Tozer. “His preaching as well as his writings were but extensions of his prayer life,” comments his biographer, James L. Snyder in the book, In Pursuit of God: The Life Of A.W. Tozer. “He had the ability to make his listeners face themselves in the light of what God was saying to them”, writes Snyder.
Among the more than forty books Tozer authored, at least two are regarded as Christian classics: The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy. His writings impress on the reader the necessity to abandon worldly comforts in favor the deeper life that comes with following Christ. Living out this simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, Tozer and his wife, Ada Cecelia Pfautz, never owned a car, preferring bus and train travel. Even after becoming a well-known Christian author, he signed away much of his royalties to those who were in need.
Tozer had seven children, six boys and one girl. He was buried in Ellet cemetery, Akron, Ohio, with a simple epitaph marking his grave: “A. W. Tozer — A Man of God.”

Nuggets of Wisdom

You will find on this page a collection of life changing quotes, "Nuggets of Wisdom", that have caught my attention and have been a source of great inspiration and blessing in my walk of faith. I believe your spirit will bear witness to the truth they convey and you will be blessed as well. Continue to check back often, as I am continually adding inspirational quotes as I come accross them in my studies. Remember, one word from God can change your life forever!


The whole dispensation of the Spirit, the whole economy of grace in Christ Jesus, the whole of our spiritual lives, and the whole of the health, growth, and strength of the church has been laid down, provided for, and secured in the New Covenant. - Andrew Murray
Build your character. Learn to forgive, to be diligent, to be honest. Learn to stay steady and faithful, to keep commitments, to go by what you know and not necessarily by what you feel. - Wayne Cordeiro
To have God speak to the heart is a majestic experience, an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to hear God's responses. - Charles Stanley
Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things! - Andrew Murray
If you have worry, you don't have faith, and if you have faith, you don't have worry. - Jack Coe
When someone gets healed, the Kingdom of God is revealed, for His Kingdom is a Kingdom or wholeness, of well being, and of life. - Billy Joe Daugherty
Christians need never be sick, any more than they need to be sinful. It is always God's desire to heal you. - T. L. Osborn
In becoming part of the Body of Christ, sickness should have no more mastery over us than it had over the Body of Christ when He was on the earth. - Gordon Lindsay
When unbelief kept Christ from healing the sick on earth, it will surely do so today. - Dr. T. J. McCrossan
Be intentional to add value to every person you meet everyday. - John Maxwell
You get faith by studying the Word. Study that Word until something in you "knows that you know" and that you do not just hope that you know. - Carrie Judd Montgomery
Faith is the spark that ignites the impossible and causes it to become possible. When a person's faith is activated, it sets in motion supernatural power that enables that person to do what he normally would never be able to do! - Rick Renner
There is no sickness problem. There is simply a problem of the believer's coming to know his inheritance in Christ. - E. W. Kenyon
Tradition is the thief of power. There is no area of our lives where that theft is more evident than in the area of divine healing. - Rod Parsley
Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light. - Edith Edman
Character is the ability to follow through on a worthy decision long after the emotion of making that decision has passed. - Wayne Cordeiro
Just believe what God says that Jesus has done for you, body, soul, and spirit - think about it, talk about it, sing about it, shout about it, and the praise cure has begun. - Lillian B. Yeomans
There has never been a miracle drug that could equal the Word of God. God's medicine is the answer to every need. - Gloria Copeland
Endeavor always to remember that you are in the immediate presence of God, and strive to act as you would if you saw the Savior standing by your side. - Raymond T. Richey
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is given to illuminate His Word, to open the Scriptures, and to place the spiritual man in direct communication with the mind of God. - Charles F. Parham
The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plan of God. - Smith Wigglesworth
Faith is not something you have to get. It's something that you, as a born-again child of God, already have. Act on it by releasing it to God. That's when your healing starts! - Oral Roberts
Just as one gets the firstfruits of spiritual salvation in the life that now is, so we get the firstfruits of our physical salvation in the life that now is." - Dr. R.A. Torrey
Christ within us can accomplish what we can never hope to do in our own strength; and that continuous walking with Him will change the weakest of us into His image. - Donald Gee
Both sin and sickness came into the world through the fall of the human race. Therefore, we must look for the healing of both in the savior of the human race. God is as willing to heal believer's as He is to forgive unbeliever's. Know this, if He was merciful enough to forgive you when you were unconverted, He is merciful enough to heal you now that you are in His family! - T. L. Osborn
Heaven is full of answers to prayers for which no one ever bothered to ask - Billy Graham
Keep your foot on the devil's neck by standing on the Word of God, and you will see tremendous results! - Jesse Duplantis
Grace is not the freedom to sin; it is the power to live a holy life. - Joyce Meyer
Fear cannot stay in the same house with Jesus Christ. - Jack Coe
Shut the world out, withdraw from all worldly thoughts and occupations, and shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief object in prayer, to realize the presence of your heavenly Father. - Andrew Murray
God is the God of the people who are at their wits end, who are right up against it with their backs to the wall, and He delights to come to our help when we need Him most. - James Salter
When I saw for the first time by the Word of God that sickness was not the Will of God, everything in my nature rose up to defeat the will of the devil. - John G. Lake
The assurance of every truth of Scripture is just the beauty of it. First because He has promised to do it; and God's promises are bonds that never yet were dishonored. Secondly, because Christ Jesus hath taken an oath that He will do it. - C. H. Spurgeon
Is there any reason why you should not have faith in God? Has God ever broken one of His promises? I defy any infidel or unbeliever to place a finger on a single promise of God ever made and failed to fulfill. - D. L. Moody
Never underestimate Jesus, because He will just prove you wrong. - Brian Gurney
Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you. - George Mueller
The devil is busy trying to take from us what we take from God, and so God bids us to hold fast. - C. Nuzum
Faith is acting in the face of contrary evidence. The senses declare, "It cannot be," but Faith shouts above the turmoil, "It is!" - E. W. Kenyon
Loss of communion is the explanation of most of our failure in spiritual fruit bearing. - Donald Gee
At Calvary, there was a great healing transfer where the responsibility for healing was switched from God giving it, to you receiving it. - Rod Parsley
Believe you receive in the faith realm, and you shall have it in the natural realm. - John Osteen

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. - Corrie Ten Boom
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. - Corrie Ten Boom
God is still forgiving sins, and He is still healing diseases, or else He is not the same God He used to be. - Dr. T. J. McCrossan
Faith looks beyond the walls of the obstacle and on to the answer. - Benny Hinn
Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things 'above all that we ask or think. - Andrew Murray
The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else. - Oswald Chambers
When you meditate on God's Word (to mutter to yourself, to think deeply into, to ponder), it puts you in that verse and it puts that verse in you. The Word becomes real to you; it becomes alive. Meditating on God's Word helps you to "own" it, and you know that you can't spend something you don't own. Many people have learned to confess God's Word, but sometimes with little results, because they haven't taken the time to meditate on it first and to make it real to their own hearts. - Nancy Dufresne
The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God's "I Will" to every seeker for full salvation of spirit, soul and body. - Kenneth Hagin
The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a revelation of how God has taken sinful man and made him a new creature and imparted to him a perfect righteousness. - John Osteen
Never dig up in unbelief what you have sown in faith. - Gordon Lindsay
God's best is for the believer to take His Word that says he is healed, put that Word in his heart, confess it with his lips, and allow it to be medicine to his flesh. - Jerry Savelle
Faith heals, sets free, receives from God and walks in liberty. - Ray McCauley
If satan can keep you in the sense realm, he will destroy you - but if you keep him in the faith realm, you'll put him under your feet. - Frederick K. C. Price
God wants His people well, but it is up to us to make the decision to walk in health. - Marilyn Hickey
Did you know that Jesus built you and me a house of healing two thousand years ago? But that house of healing Jesus built for us will remain vacant until we decide to move into it. - Ed Dufresne
Justification is what God does for us, while sanctification is what God does in us. - P. C. Nelson
Let no one pray for a mighty baptism of power who is not prepared for deep heart searchings and confession of sin. - Evan Roberts
We are conscious of the need of constant prayer for more and yet more of the Holy Spirit's presence and power. But as we give ourselves yet more and more to prayer, we shall see greater and more glorious revivals. - Stanley Frodsham
Live is such a way as to pass something tangible to a new generation. - Lillian Thrasher
Always resist even the appearance of evil. In doing so, evil will never subdue you. The blood of Jesus is the answer. - Lam Jeevarat-Nam
Jesus came to deliver men from sin and sickness that He might make known the love of the Father. In His actions, in His teachings of the disciples and in the work of the apostles, pardon and healing are always found together. - Andrew Murray
God's power under us, in us, surging through us, is exactly what turns dependence into unforgettable experiences of completeness. - Bruce Wilkinson
Faith is the hand with which we take from God. When we have met all the conditions and taken what God is offering us, we must believe that we have that thing. - C. Nuzum
Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther
Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. - Kenneth Copeland
Victory is not the absence of problems, it is the presence of power. - Joyce Meyer
Defend the Bible? I would just as soon defend a lion. Just turn the Bible loose. It will defend itself. - Charles Spurgeon
I don't practice what I preach, I preach what I practice. - Charles Capps
Jesus has given you the right to use His name. That name can break the power of disease, the power of the adversary. That name can stop disease and failure from reigning over you. There is no disease that has ever come to man which this name cannot destroy. - E. W. Kenyon
"Everyone wants to change, but change demands desire and discipline before it becomes delightful. There is always the agony of choice before the promise of change. - Larry Lea
I would rather believe for something great and receive half of it, than to believe for nothing and receive all of it! - Joel Osteen
Purpose gives birth to hope and instills the passion to act. - Myles Munroe
If you are having the right kind of spiritual fellowship, you will have power with God, and there is no escaping it! - John G. Lake
When the storms of life strike, it's what happens in you that will determine what happens to you. - Jerry Savelle
In a sense the whole Bible is a revelation, not only of His willingness to heal our spiritual ailments, but our physical ones also. One of His covenant names is "The Lord that healeth"(Jehovah Rapha), and He is also the Lord that changed not, the changeless, healing, health bestowing, life-giving Lord, undisputed Sovereign over all the powers of the universe. - Lillian B. Yeomans
Your faith begins to move, to act, when the power of God supernaturally empties you of doubt and fills you with a knowing. You come into a state of knowing that you know that you know. In that instant you cannot doubt. - Oral Roberts
Faith takes God without any ifs. If God says anything, faith says, "I believe it"; faith says, "Amen" to it. - D. L. Moody
The reason that people do not have a rich, beautiful faith is that their spirit is denied the privilege of communion and fellowship with the Father. - John G. Lake
Real faith rejoices in the promise of God as if it saw the deliverance and was enjoying it. - F. F. Bosworth
When there is a lack of anointing, examine yourself in regard to the Blood. The Blood is the legal basis of authority, the Holy Spirit does the actual empowering. - David Alsobrook
Faith's role is to grasp that which appears impossible or strange to human eyes. - Andrew Murray
Jesus, in His earth walk, was the will of God in action. If you want to know what God thinks about sickness - look at Jesus! He went about healing the sick! - Kenneth Hagin
Worship , in a very real sense of the word, opens a doorway to the power of His presence, confounding dark powers and overthrowing sin's destructive operations. - Jack Hayford
I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun- not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.- C. S. Lewis
Your life is only as productive as the freshness of your walk with God. - Randy Shankle
Miracles begin within us and then affect our surroundings. - Reinhard Bonnke
What you do with your eyes in some cases is a matter of life and death. To look at [focus on] the sickness brings death. To look at [focus on] God's Word brings life. - Gloria Copeland
The Blood of Jesus washes away our past and the Name of Jesus opens up our future. - Jesse Duplantis
Faith can only operate where the will of God is known. - Keith Butler
Fear of the devil is nonsense. Fear of demons is foolish. The Spirit of God anointing the Christian heart makes the soul impregnable to the powers of darkness. - John G. Lake
Do what you can, with what you have and do it now! - George Washington Carver
Doctors may have told you there is no hope for you medically, but you can always find supernatural HOPE from God's Word. - Charles Capps
If you've got just a little bit of faith as a grain of mustard seed, and begin to praise God - that faith will mount up, until fear won't be able to stay in your heart. - Jack Coe
When you come in contact with the anointing of God, it not only affects your moment, it affects your tomorrow. - Creflo Dollar
You must flow with the will of God, in the service of God, to obtain the power of God. - Benny Hinn
We are either in the process of resisting God's truth or in the process of being shaped and molded by his truth. - Charles Stanley
Whatever God's Word says I am - that's what I am! Whatever His Word says I can do - with His help I can do! Whatever His Word says He will do - He will do! - Kenneth Copeland
We are presumptuous not when we marvel at His grace, but when we reject it. - Max Lucado
Desire toward God and you will have desires from God and He will meet you on the line of those desires when you reach out in simple faith. - Smith Wigglesworth
When we have learned the process of faith for receiving healing, we have learned how to receive everything else God promises us in His Word. - F. F. Bosworth
We must know the power of the Blood if we are to know the power of God. Our knowing experimentally the power of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of prayer is dependent upon our knowing the power of the Blood of Christ. - R. A. Torrey
Those who live most devoutly for the world to come are often in the best position to change the present. - Bruce Shelly
Faith is totally possessed by patience and knowing. - Norvel Hayes
God delights in His children stepping out over the void with nothing under their feet except the Word of God. - Lillian B. Yeomans
I don't have to figure out how God is going to solve my problem. I don't have to understand how He's going to bring it to pass. That's His responsibility. My job is to simply believe that He will. - Joel Osteen
It is easy in ministry or in life, to begin to rely on acquired knowledge instead of fresh knowledge revealed. We must maintain our union with Him to enjoy fresh oil and then there is no old oil. The life of God or presence of God can't be stored, it has to be current. It is a well of life, continually outflowing. - Gloria Copeland
Repentance is a change of willing, of feeling and of living, in respect to God. - Charles Finney
The overcoming power is God's; the overcoming privilege is ours! - Jack Hayford
Dependence upon God makes heroes of ordinary people like you and me! - Bruce Wilkinson
God is looking for men in whose hands His glory is safe. - A. W. Tozer
The only way to carry a heavy load is with praise. - Earl Lee
No one's a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it. - Guy H. King
God is missed through laziness, indifference and unwillingness. - Jesse Duplantis
God put laws into being - we put them into motion. - Kenneth Copeland
Don't try and fit your faith into your busy schedule, build your schedule around your faith. - Kenneth Copeland
Earth's circumstances are insignificant when compared to Heaven's provision - Albert Hibbert
Faith is an action, based on a belief, supported by confidence. - R. W. Shambach
Believe that when you come into the presence of God you can have all you came for. You can take it away, and you can use it, for all the power of God is at your disposal in response to your faith. - Smith Wigglesworth
I know success or failure in my life or ministry does not depend on my own skill or even on external circumstances, it depends only on my faithfulness. God will give me the gifts necessary to do whatever He calls me to do, and He will not be hindered in His work by circumstances. - Lester Sumrall
None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience. It is a great matter when in extreme need to take hold on prayer. I know, whenever I have prayed earnestly, that I have been amply heard, and have obtained more than I prayed for. God indeed sometimes delayed, but at last He came. - Martin Luther
Faith is more than agreeing with God's Word - faith is acting upon that Word. - Col Stringer
Whether life grinds a man down or polishes him depends on what he's made of. - Kathryn Kuhlman
A diamond cannot be polished without friction nor man perfected without trials. - Kathryn Kuhlman
Great sea captains are made in rough waters and deep seas. - Kathryn Kuhlman
Believer's should never deal with doubts and fears because they are the devil's narcotics. - Kenneth Hagin
Healing is not always obtained by saying a prayer. It is obtained by obeying God - John G. Lake
Miracles are creative. Healing is the restoration of what has been. - John G. Lake
Christianity is not a struggle to become something, it is a choice to let Jesus be! - Malcolm Smith
The devil knows if he can capture your thought life he has won a mighty victory over you. - Smith Wigglesworth
When we steadfastly believe and act our faith in God's Word, nothing can keep the power in the Word from making all things to become exactly as the Word says. - F. F. Bosworth
When we demonstrate our faith in God by our obedience, He not only promises to provide for us, He will provide. - Benny Hinn
I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. - Hudson Taylor
God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies. - Hudson Taylor
Your success and usefulness in the world is going to be measured by your confession and by the tenacity with which you "hold fast" that confession under all circumstances. - F. F. Bosworth
The kind of faith that pleases God is faith in what the Word of God means, not merely in what it says. - Bob George
Faith is not the price that buys God's blessing, it is the hand that receives His blessing. The price was paid for us by Jesus Christ on the cross - Joyce Meyer
Yieldedness is vital in listening to what He has to say. - Charles Stanley
Faith is not a sword just to grab... faith is a way of life. The secret behind getting more faith, is to get to know God more. - Lester Sumrall
Some never get started on their destiny course because they cannot humble themselves to learn, grow, and change. - Casey Treat
Don't talk to others about your problem, speak to the problem about your God! - Carl Gustaf Severin

The important thing is not the size of your faith - it is the One behind your faith - God Himself. - Oral Roberts
Some people pray just to pray and some people pray to know God. - Andrew Murray
Some read the Bible to learn and some read the Bible to hear from heaven. - Andrew Murray
We have a God who delights in impossibilities. - Andrew Murray
We see, from almost every conceivable angle throughout the Scripture, that there is no doctrine more clearly taught than that it is God's will to heal all who have need of healing, and that they may fulfill the number of their days according to His promise. - F. F. Bosworth
Fear forces, love leads, faith follows. - Keith Moore
God is glorified through healing and deliverance, not through sickness and suffering. - Kenneth Hagin
Jesus can heal anything, anywhere, anytime, and anybody. All you have to do is put your faith in Him. - Jack Coe
One with God is a majority. - Billy Graham
What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow.- Martin Luther
The reason why we obtain no more in prayer is because we expect no more. God usually answers us according to our own hearts. - Richard Alleine
If you are strangers to prayer you are strangers to power. - Billy Sunday
We need a baptism of clear seeing. We desperately need seers who can see through the mist - Christian leaders with prophetic vision. Unless they come soon it will be too late for this generation. And if they do come, we will no doubt crucify a few of them in the name of our worldly orthodoxy. - A.W. Tozer
Blessed is the man who truly knows God as his covenant God and knows what the Covenant promises him. What unwavering confidence of expectation it secures. All its terms will be fulfilled. What a claim and hold it gives him on the covenant-keeping God Himself! - Andrew Murray

Nuggets Of God's Wisdom