Wednesday 9 April 2014

What does it mean to live a Spirit-filled life?

What does it mean to live a Spirit-filled life?

Living a Spirit-filled Life

Live a Spirit-filled life with the Holy Spirit
With the Holy Spirit in our lives, it is truly possible to live an abundant life.
This photo is of a decoration in St Joseph Church, ToruĊ„, Poland, by kojotomoto.
When you became a Christian the Holy Spirit came into your life and filled you. This is a basic truth because the Bible says that if we do not have the Spirit, then we do not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9).
It is the Spirit of Christ that seals our redemption and gives us the guarantee that we belong to Him (2 Corinthians 1:22). However, we can also have special and separate ‘fillings’ of the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish special tasks and live in a powerful way, led by the Spirit of God.
By being continually filled with the Holy Spirit we can live a life under the control of the Spirit, which empowers us to live as Christ has directed us. Here are five ways that God equips us to live life in His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit guides us

The Holy Spirit within us guides us through life and shows us what it means to be led by Him. The guidance of the Holy Spirit leads us to avoid and shun our selfish motives and frees us from being a slave to sin and simply trying to follow rules and laws and into a life of true inner peace and into a deeper relationship with God, our Father.

The Holy Spirit empowers us

Our Father knows that it is not sufficient for us to be only shown what is right and wrong and how we should live, but God the Father and God the Son have given us God their Holy Spirit to bring us power – we have the very power of God in our lives.

The Holy Spirit gives us the victory

By being led by the all-powerful Spirit of Christ we can have the victory over every challenge in life. The Christian life is the life of a warrior – we are all soldiers in a battle against our natural urges and against the evil influences that try to affect us on every side. The Spirit of God gives us the victory in these battles and so we must rely on Him to win each and every time we are tempted to do anything other than the perfect will of God.

The Holy Spirit teaches us

Through the illuminating ministry of the Holy Spirit each and every child of God is able to understand the Bible. The individual authors of each book of the Holy Bible were originally inspired by the Holy Spirit and it is the same Spirit that lives in every believer.
We therefore do not need a special form of mystical revelation or insight in order to understand the Scriptures because this same Author lives inside us and has promised to reveal and explain what the Bible says to us.

The Holy Spirit prays for us

Another way that the Holy Spirit counsels and comforts us is to pray on our behalf. There are often times when we do not know what or which outcome we should pray for; at other times we may be at a loss as to what words we should say. At these times we have the blessing of knowing that God Himself, through His Holy Spirit, will put what we need to pray about in our minds or make the correct prayer in our place.
Read the Bible verses about the Holy Spirit and be encouraged by the power available to live a godly and Spirit-filled life.

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  • what does it mean to live by the spirit
  • what does living in the spirit mean
  • what does it mean to be spirit filled
  • what does it mean to be led by the holy spirit
  • what does it mean to be filled with the spirit
  • what does spirit filled mean
  • what does living by the spirit mean
  • how to live a holy spirit filled life
  • Living A Holy Spirit Filled Life
  • what does it mean to be in the spirit
  • how to live life in the spirit
  • living life in the Spirit of God
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